Thursday, November 19, 2009

Good thing this wasn't the kid they F'd with...

Here you go, a 15-year-old from Buffalo Grove, Illinois called 911 after his parents took away his X-Box...what did you want the cops to do kid? Taser your parents in the face? Nightstick to the cockles? Or maybe just put a bullet in the fat of their arm (you know, just a through-and-through)?

The only thing the cops should have done is take the kids X-Box and run it over multiple times with their squad car...dumbass!

The only thing that's worse then this is when parents call 911 for the cops to come when their kids are "out of control!!! OH NOS!" Buck up pussies...raise your damn kids yourself! Mike Forbess was right! I will fight you if you don't think so...check it out here...